Tuesday, September 1, 2009

OK, so I've been thinking, how is it possible to not get stressed out and not be anxious in a life and a culture saturated with.. stress and anxiety? The bible says, be Anxious about nothing, also, to "lean" not ( don't use as a crutch) on our own understanding... dont know about you.. but i understand me better than i understand any one else, and i know the way my mind and body works, sometimes i think that theres a short circuit in there, but hey as long as every body is fine with imperfection.. iguess I'm good.....right???:) maybe.....? ok.
but really... why does god talk about being still, (psalms 46:10, and 23) don't worry, or stress (Matthew 6:34). Anxiety... (1 peter 5:7, Phil. 4:6-7, and Matt 6:27)
There has to be some kind of purpose in the repetition here... In Psalm 23, he actually "makes" us lie down.. besides.. what kind of waters?? STILL waters. So in other words to me.... SHUT UP:)
I love this next verse, because of the visual... take a second to soak it in.

"My heart is not proud, O LORD, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother,like a weaned child is my soul within me. O Israel, put your hope in the LORD both now and forevermore."
(Psalm 131:1-3)
So say you are the weaned child. the baby..... what are the babies actions.....?? nothing but.... completely resting contently in it's care takers arms.... eating up the intimate quality time....... what else can it do ........This is a sacrifice for most of us!! But this, is exactly what God wants from us! to sacrifice..... time to make the world stand still and let everything fly by as he writes out his plans for your day on and in your heart... But this drives us crazy... and makes us shaky and anxious and stressed out, because we " have to catch back up, if we stop"!! Good!! that means your running as fast as You can, at your pace not as fast as as every one else!
Please pray for me as i learn these lessons to... let me know what i can pray for you about....e-mail me at attaboi82@gmail.com.

It;s like popularity in high school, no body cares how popular you were once your out...
we are here for just a little while, why are we stressed out about stuff, that wont matter!!? could be tomorrow your dead!
In him!

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