Wednesday, August 12, 2009

went some where and forgot how to get back:)

So as the trend has it, writing every month seems to be whats happening.... though i have a whole lot more time now...
So, lets jump right in.. I have had the most stretching and incredibly humbling last 5 weeks in a very long time! 'We" Beeing the 20 interns, all were handed postions according to thier gifts ablilities by all of the Shepherd staff, who stepped down, and let us run the whole joint. So pretty awesome, But even more exhasuting.. on top of weeks full of teaching and planing 8 hours a day as well as bible studies, dinners and church..... WE had groups ranging from, Outreach, Bible studies, Fun and activities ( for the interns) Administration, and the head servant,(I'll explain) which i shared with my incredible partner Emily. She is a soon to be Sr. From New Hampshire University, with a degree in Social Work.
Move'n on... Our postion was our bosses job of over seeing all the interns and making sure that everything ran smoothly in the direction that it should go! This postion calls for alot more physicaly, emotional, and very much spiritual energy than i thought possible!! One we are held to higher standers.'
"Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check".
(james 3:1-2)
Two, people are differnt, and have different oppinions, thoughts and cultueral back grounds....So what i learend was that Emily and i prayed continually for humility, which is just as bad as praying for patience mind you..:) But, really i cannot come from my own understanding of people and leadership, but have to have empathy, compassion, yet at the same time stand firm in what has to be done! Which beeing a people pleaser in the first place makes this postion a little tougher) But why God put me here.. to teach me:)
But it went well, other than a little bit of drama, and daily having to take fire and listen to every side of some very frustrated and confused individuals! It's painful to see the little bit of poison in the cup almost ruin the whole beverage. But, By the daily grace of God, we were able to all work through it, and move on.
I have heard stories of pain and sadness, drugs, Achohol , abuse, depression, non christian, fathersless homes.. just from us interns.. So it makes sence that,, hurting people would want to help people like themselves.
But on the other hand i have seen smiling faces, with hearts bigger than they are, God fearing men and women, who all have one thing in common.. they just want to Love God with everything that they are, and have no time or want to fake it!
Im now living in the big old creepy house that all 13 girls were living in all smummer. My 2 other roomates and I have, a pet mouse who runs the place, and visits frequently, to see how we are.. or maybe thats what it's thinking:) It's name is Ralphy the girls named it:)
Let me conclued with a huge thank you for your prayers and all the glory to god! My neighbor josh who i have been praying for since day one asked jesus in to his heart! But, not only him, but his best friend Tim, who has tagged along with josh to church a couple times!!!! Incredible!! I dont know how people dont get excited when someone gives them selves up and runs to our savior.. and dont have to go to hell any more!! thats something to be thankful for!!
praise all Goes to the one who created praise!
Until every body knows him.

Ps. The prognosis to the "Me's" is a life time devotion to serving others.

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